Sunday, May 1, 2016

Happy May Day!

Ahh, the sweet smell of summer vacation lingering just around the corner. The anxiety of finals and incomplete assignments is fresh in the air! The contemplation of dropping out of school crosses our minds even more during this beautiful time of the month. Don't you just love procrastination and all of the consequences that it comes with?
Yeah, me neither...

If you're anything like me, you are drowning right now. I know the habit of procrastination is difficult to break, so here's my advice to you all that don't want to become hobos, simply because you didn't finish your English paper. 

The last thing we want to do is get up and do what needs to be done. (In this case school related stuff) I get it, it takes time and we need to slowly ease ourselves into work mode. If you are stressing, the worst thing you can do is binge watch a show on Netflix. You tell yourself, just one episode, but it's the biggest lie in the world, so don't fall into this trap!
 Instead, take a step outside and smell the magnificent spring air. Take a walk around your neighborhood and enjoy mother natures presence. But, if you live in the middle of nowhere like me, it can be hard to do so.

So here's my next piece of advice. Get up and do something productive! Go to the gym, and do some workouts that release those endorphin's. Better yet, if you want something calm and relaxing that's still a workout, do some yoga. I LOVE doing yoga, it's one of the best choices I've made in my life! My mind and body always feel fresh and rejuvenated after a good 45 minute session. If you can't go to the gym or if your gym doesn't hold classes, access some yoga routines on Youtube.

Or if you simply just want to get in your car, drive to your local Starbucks and have your daily dose of caffeine, then do it. Just make sure to blast up some music on your way there to feel those good vibes. If you're still listening to me ramble and taking my advice in, I suggest you try the Birthday Frappuccino while you still can. It tastes oh so sweet, and is a great mood booster!

Overall, just do what you got to do to get yourself pumped up and ready for all of those finals you need to study for, and all those assignments that need to be finished. So that instead of having your face stuck behind your computer and textbooks for the next four weeks, you can enjoy the beautiful presence of May!

MKay? mkay.

- Medina Kabir

Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below ~

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