Tuesday, May 17, 2016

3 Ways To Influence People

Let's talk about how we can influence people. Maybe you have children that won't eat spinach, or a teenager who's dropping out of their sports team because they're doing bad in school. Maybe you have a business associate that needs to see or think things differently. How do we influence these people to do what we need them to do? There are a lot of ways to get what we want, but we're going to focus on three specific ways that will help you get the most out of the people around you.

1. Don't Complain, Condemn, or Criticize!

First of all, when we complain, condemn or criticize we make people feel that their actions are
inadequate. This makes people feel resentment towards us. They tend to feel the need to defend and justify actions instead of making changes to them. Instead of criticizing people, we should lead by example. 

What we have to remember is that we aren't dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with humans, creatures full of emotion, prejudices, creatures motivated by pride and vanity. When dealing with humans, we can't attack someone (by complaining) and still expect that they'll do what we want. As Dale Carnegie put it, "If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive." If you kick a beehive, the bees inside stop focusing on making honey and start defending their hive. In the same way if we a attack a persons methods, they will focus on defending themselves and not on making a better choice.

Overall, the first step to influencing someone, is by not raising their defenses and by showing them a better way of doing things. 

2. Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation 

The best (and arguably the only) way to get someone to do anything is by giving them what they want. That brings on the question, what do you want? 

According to Sigmund Freud, everything that we do has two motives: the sexual urge and the desire to be great. That answers the question of what a person wants most. Now I would never recommend
fulfilling someones sexual urge to get them to do something (not that it couldn't work), but why not fulfill their desire to feel great? By making someone feel appreciated, we leave an impression that they will never forget. If we notice something good that a person does, we should tell them that we enjoyed that action of theirs. Try leaving a trail of gratitude on your daily trips, I guarantee that it will set alight flames of friendship and favor.

By no means am I suggesting flattery, I mean actually take the time to notice what others are doing right and then comment on it. I mean a new way of life, where we think about more then ourselves. A new way of life where we give others what they want so that they can give us what we want in return.

3. See Things From The Other Person's Perspective

Personally, I enjoy chocolate covered strawberries; however, I've come to the obvious realization that fish enjoy worms more than chocolate strawberries. That's why when I go fishing, I try to bait fish with worms. In the same way if you want someone to do what you want, try giving them what they want. Try not to focus only on what you want, but try looking at things from their point of view.

Henry Ford said it best, "If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own."

By seeing things from the other person's perspective, we can begin to assess their wants and needs. If you need something to be done by a person, show them how that action benefits them, because if we're honest, 99% of people don't care about what you want. However, by making a person feel that a certain action will benefit them, they will be considerate of that action. Let me give you a personal example of how this has helped me. 

A couple of months ago, an organization that I work with rented a hall for nine days at a discounted price. It came up to an even $2500, while usually a single night cost $450. Four days before the first event was to take place, we were contacted by the hall and were told that we were no longer getting any kind of discount. The normal human response would have been to call them and begin a heated argument, instead my friend and I went and talked to the owner of the hall. We walked in with smiles in our faces and told him that we understood why they did that and that it made sense. We then proceeded to make a list of pros and cons regarding his decision. Under cons, we listed the fact that we couldn't afford his hall without a discount and he would lose those nine days of business. We also wrote that our seminars were bringing in quite a few high profile speakers who might be interested in using his hall again, however if we didn't use his venue, they would not be exposed to it. Under the pros we showed that he had the potential to fill those nine days with full paying customers (we all knew that he would be lucky to fill even three of those days). soon after we left and told him that if he would reconsider giving us a discount, we would still be interested in his venue. The next day my organization got a call informing us that we only had to pay $2500 for all nine days. Success!

In the above example, we used this method to try and see things from the perspective of the venue owner. By doing this we were able to show him that he stood to profit more by doing what we wanted.

By doing these three things, you can quickly learn how to properly influence people. This can be used to help you in your career, your love life, and in all your relationships throughout the years to come (if you apply them correctly). So spend the next month or two consciously working on these three things and see how it changes your life!

These three suggestions come from my own experiences and also partly from reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. It's an amazing book that teaches one the art of influence in full depth. I would recommend this book to everyone! If you're interested in reading it, here's the link to purchase it:

-Syed Mahmood

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

3 Steps That'll Change Your Life Forever!

This post is going to be a little different since it's more of a personal rant. I've been telling myself for so long that I need to make a change in my life. That being said, I am going to discuss some things that I plan on doing, starting today!

It all started the other day, I sat down and thought about my life and realized I wasn't satisfied with something. Sure, I have a comfortable life. good friends, family, a roof over my head, a car, my education, but it's not enough. I want more. I want a change. To overcome this feeling, I decided that I would change my daily habits and set 3 specific goals for myself. I know these 3 things will make a significant difference not only in my life, but yours as well!

1. Exercise and Eat Healthy


First, I'm going to start working out at the gym. When I used to go to the gym, my life was almost
stress free. Lifting weights, running, playing sports, these are all the things that I found relieving. Of course I still had minor problems, (it's life what can you do?) but with a way to get rid of most of the stress, I was able to deal with my problems easily and effectively. Exercising also helped me focus better throughout the day On top of all of that, my appearance looked healthier and fit. I also started getting a lot of compliments! Girls would come up to me and say, "You work out don't you?" It really boosted my confidence (not that I didn't have any before, but still). I also noticed on the days when I wouldn't go to the gym, my mind would feel groggy and sluggish.

Exercising is the easy part though. Eating healthy is ten times harder.  For me, eating properly means more than just staying away from sugary drinks and snacks. Its means preparing meals, recording calorie intake (tracking macros, more on this in a future post maybe?), and staying hydrated. The hardest part about this is how much time this takes away from your day. Preparing 3 meals for the day would take up so much of my time. On top of that, the increased consumption of water left me having to spend a lot of time running to the toilet. However, eating healthy and avoiding junk leads to long term benefits that could make your life in the future easier. It could save you from risks such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes. 

Everything that I write about comes from my own personal experience. If you read my first post, I mentioned that I used to be a gym rat. (Read that post here http://them-kaytimes.blogspot.com/2016/05/pilot-part-2.html) I'm not sure that gym rat is the right word, but I was obsessed with fitness for almost two years. I could go on and on about the benefits of taking care of yourself. In fact, I was thinking of making weekly updates about my progress in the gym, but more on that in the future. For now, on to number two!

2. Read, Learn, and Execute


When asked how to get smarter, Buffett once held up stacks of paper and said, "I read 500 pages like
this every day. That's how knowledge builds up, like compound interest." Furthermore, when asked if they could have one superpower, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both argued that being the worlds fastest readers would be nice. In fact, reading is considered important by many of today's most successful people. That's why I've decided that I'm going to start reading one book every week!

What I'm hoping to gain: I'm hoping to acquire knowledge that I can actually use. Growing up in America and going through the public school system, hasn't exactly taught me much that I can use in real life. Lets be honest, very few of us are never going to care about moles in chemistry or integrals in calculus. This is the major flaw of our schooling system. We waste our time and energy learning about things we don't care about or even need to learn at all. The thing about books is, you have the ability to pick and choose what you want to read about. For instance, this morning I picked up a book by Dale Carnegie called How to Win Friends and Influence People. As boring as it sounds, the topic caught my interest and I can actually put what I learn into immediate practice. 

After I finish reading the book, I will be writing a review on here, so stay tuned!

3. Sleep 


Being a college student, I tend to be busy throughout the day. This has recently created a problem for
me,  lack of sleep. Usually, I get about four hours of sleep a day. Obviously, this creates problems and one of those problems is my growing reliance on energy drinks to keep me awake during classes. Not only that, insufficient sleep detracts from your overall well-being. Lack of sleep can lead to obesity, increased risk of heart disease, and even early death. Crazy right?!

To avoid things like obesity, heart disease and death! I've decided that I will sleep at ten o'clock every night (starting from tomorrow) and wake up at 5. By getting at least seven hours of sleep, I should hopefully be able to cut RockStar energy drinks out of my diet. To help me do this, I will begin working out at night. Coming home from the gym full of fatigue makes me want to just fall into bed and sink my head into a pillow. Adding a hot shower on top of that, I find that sleeping early is no trouble at all! Also, I try to get all my work done before eight o'clock. This way, I have no reason not to sleep. Finally and most importantly, by turning my phone off and charging it on the other side of the room, I am left with no distractions to keep me up. 

Try these tips and let us know what you think in the comments below!

- Syed Mahmood

Edited by: Medina Kabir

Sunday, May 8, 2016

What Your Body Language Says About You And How To Change That

Often, we spend time thinking of how we're going to tell a person something. We spend hours writing and rewriting speeches in our head. However, the reality is that our non verbal communication shows a lot more meaning than our actual words. You know that saying, "Actions speak louder than words," it's kind of the same thing. So continue to read on and learn what your body language says about you and how you can change it to mean what you say!

To begin, lets talk about how our body language affects us. When we interact with people, our body
Here's an example of an assertive and submissive pose
language labels us as powerful and dominant, or weak and submissive. If you look at the animal kingdom, animals display dominance by expanding, stretching out, and taking up more space. Humans are the same way. On the other hand when we wrap ourselves up, or draw ourselves close, we display a sense of powerlessness. These actions govern the way other people think and feel about us. More than that though, our non verbals govern the way we think and feel about ourselves.

Now we have the question, how do we change what our body language says about us? Have you ever heard the phrase "fake it until you make it," surprisingly it's true. According to Dr. Amy Cuddy, "When you pretend to be powerful, you are more likely to actually feel powerful." The idea is that if you begin an interaction with a more submissive pose, then the person that is going to react will most likely mirror your pose. In other words, if you act in a dominant manner, they are likely to be submissive around you. In the same way, if you feel that someone else is dominant, you will be inclined to act submissive. For this reason it's important to establish ourselves when we first begin a conversation.

When reading this you might think, "If I try to change my posture and my assertiveness, then I won't show who I truly am." However, when you change your non verbal communication style, you will begin to change. In a study conducted by Dr. Cuddy, it was found that when people act more dominant, their testosterone (the hormone associated with dominance) levels rise and their cortisol (the hormone related to stress, levels decrease) levels drop. Also when a person continues to act in the way that they want to be seen, it eventually becomes a norm to them. 

So next time you're struggling to tell a person something, or you're stressing out over an interview, just take a minute and remember to take up a little more space, raise your tone, and slow your words down a little bit. All these things make you seem more assertive, trustworthy, and reliable. Now go out there and be superman!

Till next time!

-Syed Mahmood

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Last Minute Gift Ideas For Mothers Day

Mothers day is almost here! (For some of you it's already here) And if you've forgotten or haven't had the chance to look for a gift for your wonderful mother yet, you're probably stressing out right now. No need to fear though! Here are some last minute tips and ideas of what you can do for her! 

Out side of the card                        Inside the card
1.) Make a gift! If you're a broke college student like me, it can be hard to get your mom what she deserves. You feel deeply guilty, but the greatest thing about moms are that they're understanding. The best gift you can give her is a hand made gift! It's made with love, something money won't ever be able to buy. You can make a card, mix CD, pick out some flowers from your garden and make a gift basket. You can also make a video of pictures (pictures of your mom, family, with you and her) using her favorite song(s). Or you can get some paper and cut out some pictures to make a photo collage. You can write her a song, poem, anything works really. All you have to do is use your imagination and be creative! 
The Image on the right, is a hand- made Mothers Day card made by my beautiful and talented friend, Poppy Hernandez! Be sure to check out her awesome blog page @ https://thewildfreedom.wordpress.com/

Image result for teddy bear2.) Teddy Bear & Flowers: Making a gift can be hard for some,  trust me I get it. I lack creativity and am not artsy in any way. In this case, the best thing you can do is buy your mom a simple teddy bear, with some flowers and a card! It won't cost much, but your actions will show your mother how much you appreciate her! If you want to add a little more to this combo, buy her favorite beverage. Whether it's a Starbucks Frappuccino or McDonald's coffee, I'm sure your mom will be happier to look at her gifts and read her card while taking a sip of her favorite drink! 

3.) Take her out to a restaurant! Now if you do have some cash to spare, take your mom out to her favorite restaurant! I know it can be a little busy and crowded on Mothers Day, but the best thing you can do is make reservations ahead of time or be as patient as possible! Or if you're anything like my mom and I, take her out the next day. There's no harm in that, especially if you are one of those great people that work all day on Mothers Day!

Coffee & magazine
4.) Breakfast in bed! One thing I am most sure that all mothers love is, taking a break from all the house work they have to do. If you know how to cook, surprise your mom with her favorite dish! There are some out there (me...) who might burn the house down by just turning on the stove... If that's the case, make something simple, such as her favorite bowl of cereal. Or pick up some outside food and have it ready in bed for her by the time she wakes up!

5.) Clean! Clean! Clean! If any of the above tips don't work out for you, just clean your damn room. If your room is already clean, clean another room. Better yet, clean the entire house! Mothers love the sight and smell of a clean house, nothing will make her feel more at ease.

6.) Spend some quality time! Whether you choose to stay at home or go out, make sure to spend some quality time with your mom. If you decide to stay away from the crowded mall and restaurants, order pizza or grab some of your favorite junk food and watch your mom's favorite movies and TV shows with her! 

Our moms deserve the best, we all know that. If one thing is not enough, do everything that's on this list. Do a couple of things, or do just one of them! Show your mother how much you appreciate her with a little love and extra attention. Now we all say, "We should treat everyday like it's mothers day," and that's very true. Deep down though, we still want to do something for the woman that birthed, raised, and provided for us. It wouldn't feel right to pass up such a special day, so we celebrate in the best possible way!

 I hope this article helps out you last minute thinkers! Please feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions, or an idea you would like to discuss!

- Medina Kabir

Thursday, May 5, 2016

10 Tips For every College Student

It's around this time of year that high school seniors start to worry about college. As a student in my third year of college, I can tell you that college is definitely a great adventure. You have more freedom than you've ever had before. You'll be meeting new people, making new friends, and stepping out of your comfort zone to do different things. Sounds great doesn't it? Well for the most part it is, but there are some things you should probably be aware of when you start your freshman year. 

1. A lot of your classes will offer PowerPoint presentations and lecture notes online. This makes the idea of skipping classes very tempting. "Oh I can just skip this today, I'll find the notes online later." DON'T DO THIS. Trust me it's a bad idea. You always end up with a better grade when you participate in class.

2. Start making connections now! This is the beginning of the rest of your life, building bridges in college can help you further your career later on in life. Not to mention having good friends will make your college years extremely memorable.

My Drivers License Is Even Worse
3. Keep your college ID handy, as ugly as it might be (look at mine and laugh real quick!). Your ID card can get you student discounts EVERYWHERE! The movie theater, Apple, Verizon, State Farm, just to name a few places that you can get student discounts at.

4. The freshman 15 is a real thing! The "all you can eat buffets," can add on really quickly though. So instead, try to eat healthy and add some kind of fitness routine to your schedule. Not only will this keep you looking good, but you'll find that with just 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week, you'll be more focused mentally.
5. Take advantage of every college facility. At the beginning of each semester/quarter, you pay a student services fee. Use the library, gym, computer lab, health office, you're  paying for it regardless! So might as well get your moneys worth.

6. Budget! Budget! Budget! This is one of the things I have done horribly, hopefully you guys can do it better. College is expensive, and so are books. Start finding ways to save as much as you can. A lot of books can be rented or borrowed from the library. Hell, most books you need can also be  found in PDF files online. (Not that I condone piracy or stealing...)

7. Another big thing is, time management. You have more free time than ever before, so you would think, "Yeah I have the whole week, I'll study on Thursday." That's a bad idea, DON'T PROCRASTINATE! Set up a routine and set aside a portion every day that you can dedicate fully to homework and studying. Remember, this isn't high school, your grades really count for something when you're in college. Plus, the money is coming out of YOUR pocket, so don't let that go to waste. If you mess up too much, you can get stuck, so keep on track with school work!

8. Confused about how things work? Don't know what you want to major in? Don't stress over it, no matter what you pick, you always have the option to change your major later. As a college freshman, you should take this time to explore your options. Take classes in different areas of interest. Take time to find something worth your time. You'll change your mind a million times before you find the one. And that's perfectly okay. Never feel rushed, because you should find something you enjoy!

9. If you're gonna be sexually active, then for God's sake please use some kind of contraception and BE CAREFUL.
There! Just buy some now so you don't forget them later. You probably don't want a baby to pop out before you get your degree, or maybe you do. If that's the case then disregard this point...

10. Most importantly, take time to relax and have fun! Obviously, you're going to college for a reason, but that doesn't mean that you can't take out a couple of hours a day to go out with your friends or browse the web and read a couple blog posts. Keep your morale up and it'll make your college experience a hundred times better! 

-Syed Mahmood

Edited by - Medina Kabir

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

An App No One Should Live Without!

In the past decade cell phones have improved by leaps and bounds. We've gone from being able to make calls and play snake, to being able to browse the web, read blogs, face time, download and use any app on the market all from the palm of our hand. As they get faster and screens get bigger, we have began to use our phones less for making calls and more for entertaining ourselves. So let me tell you  about TVMC.

TVMC is a free application for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS (requires jailbreak) that makes video streaming incredibly easy. Imagine it being like Netflix or Hulu, except there is no monthly charge and you aren't limited the small selection of movies. Using TVMC you could watch almost any movie made in the last century. Don't take my word for it though, install it and try it out yourself!

Now this app can be used on any platform: Android, Windows, iOS (requires jailbreak), Mac and even Linux, however for this blog post I'm going to focus on Android. If anyone needs help installing it anywhere else leave a comment down below and I will gladly help you out!

Disclaimer: This might not work on older devices.

So first I'm gonna go over how to install it, then I'll do a quick review.

Step 1: First you're going to have to allow your phone to install apps from unknown sources. (For those of you that don't feel comfortable changing the settings of their phones, let me assure you that I have personally done this and it is safe.) To allow this we're gonna go into our phones settings, then find the security settings, and finally allow installation of apps from unknown sources.

Step 2: Using the browser on your android phone follow this link.


You might get a warning saying that the file might harm your phone, this is basically your phones way of telling you, "stranger danger, I don't know this file." Don't worry, I have downloaded this and installed this file, it will not harm anything.
It should be downloaded within a couple minutes, a notification will pop up in your notification bar, press it and install it. It should install quickly, once it opens it might ask you to finalize the installation, this will take another minute or two. In total downloading and installing this took me seven minutes!

Step 3: ENJOY!

Usually I can find any show or movie that I want to watch using Exodus (Left most box under videos). If you press that it gives you a couple pages that help you search for what you want. Right now when I downloaded this I searched up "Arrow" (I recommend this show by the way, its AWESOME!) just to make sure that I did it correctly. AS you can see it did indeed work. So have fun!

Pros: Everything!!
seriously though, this is great when you have downtime, if you're not near a TV, or as a way to entertain the kids. In almost every way this app made my life more enjoyable.

Cons: It takes about seven minutes to install, but that's about it really.

Review: This is actually a great application, I have it on my android, my Ubuntu laptop and my windows desktop. One of the things that I enjoy so much about this is that you can usually find an episode up an hour or so before it has actually aired. Or if I ever miss a show I don't really have to worry knowing that I can come back at anytime and find it here. That being said, you do sometimes run across a slow stream that buffers every minute. That might ruin the whole thing, but in my experience that doesn't happen often enough for me to rate it down.

5 out of 5 stars!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

-Syed Mahmood

Monday, May 2, 2016

Lets Talk Game of Thrones: Part 2!

Quick announcement, this post will have spoilers! 

If you've been under a rock for the past day, then I suggest you leave here and go find a way to watch episode 2! Or go roll yourself in a blanket and pretend to be a potato or something. Whatever you do, you shouldn't be here until you watch last night's episode of Game of Thrones.

And now, our feature presentation (Who remembers where that's from?)

Lets start with everyone's favorite character, shall we? With their ruler in captivity, Meereen lies in flames, and only one man can save the city from total destruction. Standing 4'5", the man that drinks and knows things, Tyrion Lannister!!!

With Daenerys gone, Tyrion takes it upon himself to save the city. He decides the best way to do this is by befriending the two dragons trapped underneath the pyramid. So he goes and has a little chat with them and unlocks their collars (for such a small man, he has quite a big pair). Anyways, tune in next week to see him fly one of the great beasts. (Hopefully)

On the other hand... or should I say, on the left hand, (get it? get it?) we have Jaime Lannister facing off with the High Sparrow. I wish someone could just give him a hand (so many hand jokes, I can't resist). Anyways, no one can deny that there's a war brewing in Kings Landing. 

"We can over throw an empire." -High Sparrow.
"I should have executed all of them... I want to be [strong]." -King Tomman

Civil war? Who would win? Comment what you think!

Obviously Jon Snow coming back from the dead is a huge deal, but I feel like that's been covered enough. You can read Medina's blog post about that here though!

- Syed Mahmood

Lets Talk Game of Thrones: Episode 6x2


Guess who's back? Back again!

Shout out to The Lord of Light, you the realest. Image result for clapping emoji  

Hey guys, it's Medina! So if you recall from my first blog entry, I did mention, "when Jon Snow returns from the dead, (WHICH HE WILL) you should expect to see a long blog post that contains my joy and excitement!" 

Well my fellow readers, the time has already come, and here is that post! In all honesty, I didn't think Jon would return until episode 8 or 9 (GOTs "special-climactic" episodes). But of course, Game of Thrones never goes as the way we predict. In some cases though, plenty of theories have turned out to be correct. So props to all of you who have most of it figured out, while the rest of us like to pretend to know what we're talking about... 
Nonetheless, I am extremely joyful of Jon's return and hope to see more of him in action this season!!!

I particularly can not wait to see what the writers of the show have in store for his character now that he's back from the dead. First off, episode 3 is titled Oathbreaker. Could that mean Jon is free to break the vows he made to The Nights Watch? Will he be the next Azor Ahai and fight in the upcoming war against the White Walkers? Will we find out if the R+L= J theory is true? I guess we'll know as we continue to watch the rest of the season. I mean we can all take a breather now that we know that Snow isn't going anywhere.

Best part is, Sansa Stark is on her way to Castle Black to be reunited with her half brother. It's a good thing no one made a fuss about Jon's death, (besides the fans of the show) now Sansa won't feel obligated to turn the other way! That is, if she even gets to see him...Not to be a downer, but we all know whenever the Starks are near each other, something bad always happens. 

Ermm... Moving on from Jon Snow now, lets talk about the characters who actually died in this episode. Were you guys surprised? Did you see it coming? Were you angry? Did you think it was incredibly random? I sure as hell did...

I mean Theon finally grew a pair (metaphorically speaking of course) and was ready to return back to his father, but of course, The Iron Islands King just had to die. Lets give his brother a round of applause shall we?  Oh and lets not forget Bolton's death scene! I loved watching Roose Bolton getting stabbed by his bastard son, but man I wish he would've suffered more for the way he betrayed the Starks. I honestly wouldn't have minded watching Ramsay feed Roose to the dogs..Yet, another innocent baby had to endure a brutal death. 
Thanks GOT.

 What do you think will happen next? What do you hope to see happen? Please feel free to share your opinions and reactions of this weeks episode! Even if it's something weird like, "Even as a corpse, Jon Snow has a fiiiineee body." 

- Medina Kabir

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Happy May Day!

Ahh, the sweet smell of summer vacation lingering just around the corner. The anxiety of finals and incomplete assignments is fresh in the air! The contemplation of dropping out of school crosses our minds even more during this beautiful time of the month. Don't you just love procrastination and all of the consequences that it comes with?
Yeah, me neither...

If you're anything like me, you are drowning right now. I know the habit of procrastination is difficult to break, so here's my advice to you all that don't want to become hobos, simply because you didn't finish your English paper. 

The last thing we want to do is get up and do what needs to be done. (In this case school related stuff) I get it, it takes time and we need to slowly ease ourselves into work mode. If you are stressing, the worst thing you can do is binge watch a show on Netflix. You tell yourself, just one episode, but it's the biggest lie in the world, so don't fall into this trap!
 Instead, take a step outside and smell the magnificent spring air. Take a walk around your neighborhood and enjoy mother natures presence. But, if you live in the middle of nowhere like me, it can be hard to do so.

So here's my next piece of advice. Get up and do something productive! Go to the gym, and do some workouts that release those endorphin's. Better yet, if you want something calm and relaxing that's still a workout, do some yoga. I LOVE doing yoga, it's one of the best choices I've made in my life! My mind and body always feel fresh and rejuvenated after a good 45 minute session. If you can't go to the gym or if your gym doesn't hold classes, access some yoga routines on Youtube.

Or if you simply just want to get in your car, drive to your local Starbucks and have your daily dose of caffeine, then do it. Just make sure to blast up some music on your way there to feel those good vibes. If you're still listening to me ramble and taking my advice in, I suggest you try the Birthday Frappuccino while you still can. It tastes oh so sweet, and is a great mood booster!

Overall, just do what you got to do to get yourself pumped up and ready for all of those finals you need to study for, and all those assignments that need to be finished. So that instead of having your face stuck behind your computer and textbooks for the next four weeks, you can enjoy the beautiful presence of May!

MKay? mkay.

- Medina Kabir

Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below ~

Pilot Part 2

Welcome Again!

My name is Syed Mahmood, and I am the second writer for The MKay Times!

 Honestly I never imagined that I would ever write for a blog, but I like to try new things and this came up. So here I am to provide entertainment for people across the globe, hopefully.

A little about me: I have a passion for food, I like to think that I'm a little tech savvy, I'm a sophomore in college, I'm involved in a couple of non profit organizations and for a time i was a gym rat.

God, I always hate when a teacher asks that question, "Can you tell us a little bit about you?" Can't you just ask me what you want to know? I swear it's so much easier that way.

Anyways my posts are gonna be pretty random. They could be literally anything. From food to politics to TV shows to video games to books to hair to fashion... I could continue this list, but it would go on for a while and I rather not bore anyone. Seriously though, literally anything. If you guys have anything you would like to hear my opinion on I would definitely enjoy sharing my thoughts on anything, so leave anything in the comments. 

Th- Th- Th- That's all folks!