Saturday, April 30, 2016



My name is Medina Kabir, and I am the main writer for The MKay Times!

I'm excited to be writing my first ever blog entry! So please cut me some slack due to the fact that I'm not a professional writer...yet. 

What you will see in my blog posts: I don't center around just one theme, because I like writing about everything. One day I'll  be writing about my passion for writing, and share some details of my own personal life, the next day I might discuss sports or indulge on my favorite food recipes. Oh and I should mention, when Jon Snow returns from the dead, (WHICH HE WILL) you should expect to see a long blog post that contains my joy and excitement! (I mean who wouldn't feel this way...)

So if this is not your thing or it annoys you to read a, I guess you could say, "unorganized" blog, feel free to push the back button, I don't mind because everyone has their likes and dislikes. This is my thing and I am experimenting and just trying to have some fun with my writing. If you hate or love my posts, please feel free to share your input, I love receiving all kinds of feedback! 

My life is a journey, and I want my readers to join in and travel along with me (metaphorically speaking of course)  as I continue to grow as a person and writer. 

MKay? mkay.